The Urban Act Academy, School 14 is located in Indianapolis, Indiana. The Fund is registered as a non-profit organization in the state of Indiana, and we felt that it was important to have a global presence inclusive of schools in the United States of America. The school serves the homeless shelters in the city, and thus, has a pantry where personal items, clothing, and food are stored to be on hand to students when needed.
​ In September of this year, we were able to donate 88 pairs of uniform slacks to the Academy and our Treasurer Akilah W. Darden, and co-founder and Board member Magurtha H. White were on hand for the presentation. Anna Chaney (also in the picture below) is the parent liaison for the school and is passionate about the pantry and making sure that her students are taken care of to be in the best learning environment possible to be successful. ​
The Academy is in great need of more donations throughout the year, so if you are so inclined, please consider donating to this worthy cause.