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John Pama primary school is also located in the Nyanga Township in Cape Town, South Africa. Embedded in a very impoverished area, John Pama houses families who are homeless and is surrounded by a squatter camp. ​


The Fund was contacted by the school in desperate need for uniforms for their students, as many have gone without proper basic clothing to attend school daily. Due to generous donations, have been able to provide for hundreds of students over the years.


We are asking for continued support to be able to provide two uniform donations for the 2021 school year. Please consider donating whatever you can to help us help the learners at John Pama primary school.


The Donald White Memorial Fund was initially established in 2012 to honor Donald White, a career educator in the United States of America and father of Co-Founder and Director, Dr. Takiyah White Ndwanya. 

Useful Links:

Contact Us:

+27.73.655.3503 (RSA)

+1.703.899.3645 (USA)

South African Address:

31 Steve Karnovetz, KTC, Cape Town, South Africa 7750

USA Address:

1827 Cornerbrook Court Indianapolis, Indiana (USA) ​

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United States of America NPO#26053573002957

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Republic of South Africa NPO#226-710

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